Best Casual Dating Apps To Find Easy Hookups

Looking to try a new dating site? It can be difficult to know where to start, especially since lots of them on the surface seem the same, and often they end up not working. We’ve tried countless casual fuck buddy sites, and found these to be the best one.

Our team signed up for each app, and actually started messaging local people to set up dates. With these sites, we had the most success in actually meeting up with people for a casual date. Before you waste any time or money signing up for dating sites or craigslist for sex, check out our list.

Our Favorite Hookup Sites

You’ve done your homework, you’ve found a few awesome sites that you love, but you’re still not sure if you want to actually sign up. It’s fine to be a bit unsure where to start when it comes to this type of dating.

Here are the top hookup sites where we had the most success. Keep in mind, these may not be the best for everyone, but we think in general these casual dating sites are the best. If you’re looking for a more personalized recommendation, check out They’ll get you started with a hookup site that most closely matches your preferences, with the most people near you.


Tinder has taken the casual dating world by storm. Unlike other dating apps, Tinder is purely a swiping game. The app only allows you to swipe right if you think you like a person, and only left if you think they don’t like you back. This way, you’re less likely to keep messaging someone who isn’t interested.

We personally love Tinder, because the settings are pretty flexible. The more you do on the app, the more “Tinder Points” you earn, which you can use to buy things or enter sweepstakes. Meeting people this way is a little more casual than the other apps we found, but it’s a fun way to meet people who are also on the casual dating site you use. I found my current boyfriend on Tinder.


AdultFriendFinder is one of the best, and most reliable, casual dating sites in existence. People over 18 years of age can sign up, create an online profile, and start messaging other users. It’s one of the few dating sites that provides photos of its users. This is a big deal, because these profiles are usually personal and often humorous.

The bottom line is, AdultFriendFinder has a large user base, and is known for helping people find a date, even if they are in relationships. The site’s popularity is evident in the number of users and search terms that pop up on a simple Google search. In fact, it’s often used as a good gauge for other, more popular, dating sites. In short, if AdultFriendFinder is popular, you probably need to sign up.


HUD’s website states that the site offers ‘widespread accessibility in an accessible environment.’ They offer dating, event organizing, and events that the whole family can join, including younger kids. While many casual dating sites charge to set up your account, HUD is completely free.

You can be on the site for up to two years after creating an account, without worrying about signing up for any new paid membership plans. They charge only for photo editing or viewing ads, and by design you don’t have to download any extra apps to be on the site. Why We Love HUD While many casual dating sites use standard photos, HUD only shows profile pictures for those who want to use them.


Bumble is a free app that promotes a no-fuss approach to dating. Women must make the first move, but men can’t message first or initiate a phone call. The first match is simple, and a status is shown on both profiles if the app recognizes you from any of the previous dates.

If you do meet someone through the app, an in-app chat is enabled so you can have a real-time conversation. You can decline a date if you don’t feel comfortable, and no hard feelings will be given. After a first date, the app will ask you to sign up as a “Friend” so that you can leave a comment, and answer questions that you may have about your date. Bumble has become a phenomenal dating site for dating due to its straightforward design and ease of use.